
Monday, September 30, 2013

Post 1.

Something (someone?) inspired me to start this blog today. I don't know how it will turn out, or even if I'll keep up with it. 

I'm sort of sick right now. Yesterday overwhelming feelings of nausea came over me. Then the body aches and headaches followed. I lost my appetite. I skipped class. Today I feel a little better, but still icky. I'm taking ibuprofen so that is helping block the pain. I need to take some vitamin C. 

See? I don't even know how to write a blog. I'm just rambling. But there has to be someone out there who will enjoy my rambles even when they're boring and mundane, right? 

Okay, I have an idea. I'll use this first entry to describe my room to you. Someone's bedroom often gives a pretty good idea about that person, don't you think? So, what does my bedroom contain...
-My walls are manilla cream. 
-My bedspread is cerulean blue on one side and lime green on the other. It's from freshman year of college, don't judge.
-I have a wooden desk by my window that I never use.
-A crucifix on the desk looks at me while I sit on my bed and procrastinate everything.
-I have four, pink, plastic organizational containers that conceal my messes.
-A pink rug on a mahogany floor, oh and a blue/green one too. 
-"I am a person" poster of a 7-week old fetus.
-Picture of me and my best friend smiling with a donkey in the background.
-Rooster clock
-Large framed drawing of big cats: lions, tigers, leopards, etc.
-Paintings of flowers
-"Jesus, I trust in you" images
-My highly detailed schedule (I'll have to post it next time)
-Calendar of all my duties
-4-5 rosaries hanging on various nails in the wall
-St. Therese holy water font
-"Take a deep breath and take in the abundance of life" 
-Night light (imperative!)

I hope that gives a glimpse into who I am. Oh, I forgot the candles and the teacups. Those too.

Now I have to go write my lesson plan for tonight's class. The students are learning about volcanoes right now. Everything from "what is magma and whence does it come?" to the differences between shield and cone volcanoes, to the physics of pyroclastic eruptions. They're a blast! (Pun intended).

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